ScheduleWise’s Top 20 Features of 2020

This may be late, but as they say, better late than never!

If you ever want to take an adventure through our Release Notes, you may find a treasure trove of features that escaped your attention in the past year. But we wanted to be sure you didn’t miss these!

Here’s a look at some of the big features that were released in ScheduleWise this year.

On the Patient Schedule:
Pod Graphs — update individually, zoom, blocks, breaks, open chairs
Staff breaks and lunches
Mega button – Export, Productivity, and Center Graph all on one button
Export Templates can display staffing data
Drag/Drop Shared Chairs and Unavailable Chairs

On the Patient Demographics Screen:
Easy Delete button
Callback Timesheet for bringing back patients from the lobby

On the Staff Schedule:
Copy Shifts Modal
Copy All Shifts in Panel
Assign Nurses to Pods/Charge
Display float hours
Assigned shifts modal
Discontinued Shifts

On the Dashboard:

On the Users Screen:
Last Login Date
Automated Password Resets
Mobile access for staff schedule

New Screens:
Screen Tours
EHR Activity (integration)
Merge Patient Screen

So if you weren’t aware about some of these updates and want to know more, then take a dive into the Release Notes and you’ll learn how to make the most of ScheduleWise while managing your patient and staff schedules!

Setting the record straight – ScheduleWise & Fresenius

Often we are asked or even told that Fresenius owns ScheduleWise. Au contraire, mon frere! So let me set the record straight. Fresenius uses ScheduleWise. They do not own ScheduleWise. ScheduleWise LLC is and has always been owned and operated by its three principal founders, Gary and Mary Kay Hamilton and Mark Sessoms.

Fresenius did obtain a permanent license of ScheduleWise in 2015. And we (Gary and Mark) joined FMC (now FKC) to help them roll out the software to their (at the time) 2200+ clinics. And I (Mark) also continued to lead a separate development team to improve the software for FKC’s specific needs.

In the interim, Mary Kay and Brandon continued to manage ScheduleWise and introduce it to new clients, but our software development was at a standstill.

By 2018, Mark returned full-time to ScheduleWise to rebuild our product from the ground up with the help of our talented and growing development team (Alan, Suzanne, Waleed, Mike, and Doug).

By March 2019, with a completely overhauled application, we proudly released ScheduleWise 2.0!

And since then we’ve been hyper-focused on building and releasing improved features nearly every month! And that is our commitment to you, to continue to provide the dialysis industry’s most ubiquitous and, dare I say, best scheduling platform!

But we know that software is just one piece of the puzzle. Without our 20+ years of scheduling knowledge, innovation, and coaching, ScheduleWise is just a software. But the two in combination produce a winning solution for your organization to thrive in the new decade!

We hope to continue serving our clients well into the future! And if you’re not yet aware of how we can help your organization, give us a call!